Avand in vedere ca multi dintre voi cauta cu disperare pluginuri pentru blogurile proprii, iar si mai multi cauta degeaba, pentru ca nu stiu ce sa caute,
am gasit o lista cu 300 de pluginuri, care mai de care mai folositoare, pentru bloggerul incepator si nu numai.
Sfat gratis:
Daca vreti sa vi se mai incarce blogul, nu le puneti pe toate. Alegeti doar ce e important. Altfel o sa va mearga blogul poimarti, si nu o sa intelegeti de ce.

For the blogger

AjaxWP – Adds AJAX to all aspects of your WordPress site, which speeds up the load times.

Alexa Rank – Display your Alexa rank with pride.

Ajax Comment Preview – Allows readers to preview their comment before submitting.

asTunes – Retrieves data from your Audioscrobbler/last.fm profile and posts it as a list on your blog.

Codebox – Creates a side scrolling box for displaying code snippets.

Crossroads – Adds thumbnails and comments from your Flickr account.

FireStats – Full featured statistics including referrers and popular pages.

Google PageRank – Allows you to display your Google Page Rank on your blog.

Hardened-Trackback – Generates a single-use trackback to help fight trackback spam.

imgViewJX – Refreshes an image on your main page from a selected directory.

Live Spell Checker – Adds a spell checker to your posts in the admin area.


Daca va place ce scriem, daca va place cum scriem, daca stiti ca am ramas din ce in ce mai putini oameni verticali si cu coloana, puteti sustine munca noastra.