Astazi, dupa exact o luna si 6 zile de cand a ajuns in vezica, am reusit sa elimin piatra care ma chinuie de atata timp.
Ce ceai matase si codite de cires. Rahat cu perje. Bere neagra in fiecare seara bauta la greu, aia e solutia.
Si uite dovada, pusa langa un marker de ala gros, ca sa vedeti catai haidamaca de piatra a fost.

Update: Am scos-o la vanzare pe ebay :mrgreen:
Ultra Update: Mi-au sters-o, nenorocitii 😆

Unfortunately, we had to remove your listing because the following information violates our policy:

A humongous Kidney Stone with Jesus face on it

We notified members who placed bids on the item that the listing has been canceled.

Listings of humans, human bodies, or human body parts are not permitted on eBay. In addition, sales of Native American skulls, bones, and other Native American grave-related items are prohibited under the Native American Graves and Repatriation Act and are not permitted on eBay.

Ai naibii scarbe…sa nu mai faca omul un ban…

Daca va place ce scriem, daca va place cum scriem, daca stiti ca am ramas din ce in ce mai putini oameni verticali si cu coloana, puteti sustine munca noastra.