Mi-au suspendat contul de paypal. M-am enervat la culme, că nu înţelegeam care e problema, cont business, verified, vechi de 5 ani, dinainte de a veni ei în rromânia.
Astăzi am aflat.

You have received €2,500 or more in total payments to your PayPal account in this calendar year. PayPal is required by law to comply with European Union Anti-Money Laundering regulations by collecting information from customers when they reach this limit. Until you provide us with the information we need your account will be limited. You won’t be able to send or withdraw any money using PayPal, however, you may still be able to receive payments. Please go to the Resolution Centre for more information on what you need to do. When PayPal limits an account, your funds may be held until we’ve confirmed your identification as per the User Agreement.

Bun, am înţelles, e ca mizeria aia de actualizare a datelor de la bancă. Le trimit buletinul şi un extras de cont şi aştept să îmi deblocheze contul. După care primesc mailul ăsta:

The address on your document does not match exactly the address registered
to your PayPal account (post code).
Note: The address on the document you provide needs to be a word for word
match of the address registered on your PayPal account.

To update or view the postal address registered on your PayPal account:

1. Go to www.paypal.com and log in to your account.
2. Click “Profile” near the top of the page.
3. Click “Update” beside “Address”.
4. Click “Edit” under the address you want to update, or to add a new
address click “Add address”.
5. Update your information and click “Save”.

Alternatively we can accept new documentation which proves you live at the
address currently registered.

In case you update the address on your PayPal account, please send us an
email to complianceverifications@paypal.co.uk so we can review your PayPal
account again.

Care e diferenta? Pe buletin scrie Mun. Bucuresti inainte de adresă. La paypal scrie în căsuţa de la City. Iar paypal consideră că nu e adresa corectă. Şi, durerea de burtă a culmii râsului, mă pune să schimb în contul de paypal, să arate la fel ca în buletin. Deci e posibil să fiu vreun fraudulent internaţional, dar să am grijă.

Birocraţia asta duce pe penis tot ce înseamnă UE şi asta o va distruge. Nu am încredere în rezistenţa uniunii europene. Nu cu astfel de mizerii.

Daca va place ce scriem, daca va place cum scriem, daca stiti ca am ramas din ce in ce mai putini oameni verticali si cu coloana, puteti sustine munca noastra.